You’re always looking for ways to bridge gaps and boost your staff’s knowledge, skills, and performance. Today, we’re going to look at four strategic ways you can do that, by using our Assessments feature. Assessments allow you to ask employees (and even potential employees) a series of targeted questions that can help you to maximize performance.

Uncover What Your Employees Know

To keep your business running efficiently, you need your staff to have the right knowledge and skills to do their jobs. It can be a challenge to keep track of every employee’s current skill set and knowledge level. And once you do have a way to assess everyone, how do you bridge gaps between where they are, and where you need them to be?

Employee assessments can help you to uncover what your employees know—and then you can provide them with strategic training opportunities to close any gaps you’ve uncovered.

Discover How Your Employees Are Feeling

What’s morale like at your organization? What would help your employees to feel valued, appreciated, and understood? How does your staff feel about the company culture, their benefits, and organizational leadership?

Employee assessments can help you to take the pulse of your company, and discover how your employees are feeling. Once you know that, you can make needed adjustments and improvements.

Make It Simple and Easy to Measure Performance

Regular reviews are critical for assessing how each member of your staff is performing. They’re used to decide who gets a raise, who’s getting promoted, and who needs additional training and development. But reviews can also be time consuming and difficult to standardize.

Employee assessments can simplify and streamline the performance review process, and you can use results to provide employees with purposeful professional development.

Choose the Right People to Interview

Speaking of time consuming, what fills up your schedule quicker than searching for and interviewing candidates for open positions in your company? And when you end up hiring someone who isn’t the right fit, you’ve not only wasted time, but money as well.

Assessments can help you narrow the field to candidates who have the skills, experience, and attitude you need, freeing up your schedule to interview the right people the first time.

Multiple Assessments, One Tool

Our Learning Content Management System (LCMS) has a built-in tool that lets you build all of the assessments we’ve discussed here, and more. Here’s how it works:

  1. Develop a set of competencies (categories of skills, abilities and knowledge) that you want to assess.
  2. Write questions that correspond to each of the competencies.
  3. Sort the questions into the competencies.
  4. Assign the assessment to users through the LCMS. (For people outside the LCMS, like potential job candidates, the system will generate an external link for them to follow.)
  5. Review the scores the LCMS has calculated for each user.
  6. Take action!

Our LCMS also includes customizable reporting for assessments, allowing you to view submissions and grades.

Want to find out more about how assessments can help you maximize employee performance in your organization? Drop us an email at, or call us as 888-685-4440.

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